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The need for continual development of both young and mature ministry gifts for pastors, missionaries, and 5 fold gifts to the Body is of upmost importance.  Through our Ministers Network, individuals and churches have an opportunity to develop leaders for training on strategic leadership, coaching, ministry development, and sound doctrine.  The convenient online environment with emphasis on networking with other leaders provides an excellent vehicle for practical training in relevant ministry.




Dr. Hatcher is skilled and effective in training, equipping, reaching, imparting, and releasing the power, anointing, and the knowledge of God through his courses. Dr. Hatcher has been teaching in seminaries and colleges in excess of 30 years with astounding results.

The focus is on “relevant ministry” with applicable truths and functional knowledge that enhances, equips, and establishes you and your leaders in his or her ministry.


Training, Equipping, Reaching, Imparting, and Releasing the Power


         The Ministers Network (MN) Staff is fully “Evangelical” in adherence to the authority of Scripture, the deity of Christ, and Salvation through faith in the atoning work of Christ. MN is fully committed to the biblical definitions and exercise of worship and ministry, and in partaking of the power of the Holy Spirit and exercising the biblical gifts of the Holy Spirit. MN is “Christological” in it’s belief that the Lord Jesus Christ is central in worship and Christian practices. We further consider it mandatory and essential that Jesus Christ be recognized as Lord and savior of every minister and or affiliate seeking to join in fellowship, covenant, or be “covered” by Apostle Hatcher and the MN staff through its Ministers Network. MN believes that Christ Jesus is the Head of His church, and King of His Kingdom. MN believes that Christ is in the church which makes up his body, and we are in the world, continuing His work and demonstrating His Kingdom on earth. We are “Covenantal”, believing that accomplishing God’s purposes on earth is possible only through our response to the biblical mandate of covenant with God and one another as members of the Body of Christ. His covenant was dramatized in the Old Testament through human experience with his people and is fully ratified in the New Testament through the atoning work of Christ. It is required that every MN Minister and covenant partner believes in the exercise of practical theology which is demonstrated by presenting Jesus Christ as the way, the truth and the life and knowing that He is the central work of God in restoring man, the earth, and the universe back to God’s original plan and purpose. MN is “Kingdom” in it’s theology, believing that the central issue and concern of God in scripture is His righteous rule in Heaven and earth. Since the Kingdom of God was the major subject preached and taught by Christ during His earthly ministry and after His resurrection, the church therefore, is responsible to continue in preaching the message of the Kingdom of God with the mandate to proclaim Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord of all, to the ends of the world.




As presbytery, and ministers of The MINISTERS NETWORK we are honored to serve you.  When you join with MN in terms of "Networking" or requesting credentials for ministry, here is clarity of our understanding of "covering." When the presbytery of MN "covers" a pastor, or a ministry, this means we will provide the following services:


*  Provide orientation and exposure to the biblical mandates for both expression and exemplification of principles that govern the    

   Minister's requirements for fellowship, accreditation, accountability both vertical and lateral, and biblical counsel where requested

   or needed according to scriptural directives.


*  Provide Biblical standards for ethics and morality in ministry.


*  Provide Biblical counsel on a personal or church-wide level as requested and as time permits.


*  Provide opportunity for MN Staff to be personally available and accessible for dialogue and interaction as time permits.


*  Recognize and discern levels of gifts and callings and provide credentials as appropriate.


*  Allow the Holy Spirit to be the executor of your ministry. MN and its fellowship of Pastors, churches, and Ministers, in no way assumes authority over your ministry except that which is mutually understood to be for the purpose of ministry and admonition with your commission and testament to the fact in writing.


*  It must be clearly understood that when MN "covers" a ministry or pastor, it is strictly for the purpose of providing availability of spiritual eldership and not for legal nor moral responsibility. Each ministry or pastor who networks with or seeks credentials from the Ministers Network is personally, financially, morally and legally responsible for his/her own decision and conduct.


With these evident declarations of covenant and commitment in mind, we are looking forward to fulfilling the great commission of the Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father together with you! 




Apostle & Pastor Howard Hatcher




Ministers Network (MN)




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