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Missionary Shelli. B


When I was 16 years old, it was prophesied that I would go on a missionary journey. At the time, I thought missionary journey meant proclaiming "The end is near!" to the people in some remote village in some forgotten corner of the planet. Armed with this incorrect picture, I wholeheartedly chose not to receive that prophetic word. Ten years later while I was kneeling in the dirt of a humble homestead in Mexico and teaching small children about God's Word, God gently reminded me of His Word that does not return void - I was beginning my missionary journey, Sensing the divine "I told you so," I had to admit that this missionary journey thing wasn't at all what I had imagined. What I took several years to realize is that God's picture of the missionary journey really just means carrying the Kingdom - His Son, His love, His message - wherever He says to go. For some, being a missionary means carrying the Kingdom to a co-worker or a neighbor nearby; for others, being a missionary means carrying the Kingdom to nations that require a minimum 20-hour plane trip. Wherever the Kingdom call sends you, saying "yes" is the best way to respond.

Through 5000 STRONG and The Joseph Effect, we are deeply involved on a Weekly Basis with RED 12 in equipping and investing youth and mentor-ship in and eduacational way.


IOMTC Partners With New Life Restoration Ministries INT'L


We are so happy and glad to share with you the following brief update report on the current situation at our orphanage home and school located here at the Kibera slums in Nairobi, Kenya.

All the 53 children staying "24/7" at the orphanage home are doing very well plus the rest 16 of them who live with their guardian parents outside the rehab center.
Our Christian school is also doing fairly well with a current enrollment of just over 300 students most of which came from the slums. These kids enjoy coming to school not just for the education they receive but more so for the 2 meals they are served with daily. Poverty levels here in the slums are just too high, hence
this rescue mission.

We currently have 21 children in high school fully sponsored
by the ministry (New Life Restoration Ministries) the parent organization that runs the Orphanage home, the Christian school plus other "church sponsored" self- help

May God bless you!

Paul & Grace Mbithi

Description on joining 5000 strong.

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